“United In Grief” is the first track from Kendrick Lamar’s fifth studio album titled “Mr. Morale & The Hotsteppers”, released through PGLang, TDE, Aftermath & Interscope Records. This album is Kendrick’s first release in 5 years.
“United In Grief” sees Lamar talk about all his achievements over the span of an almost 20 year career, as well as all the downsides of fame. Lamar goes into detail about his real estate investments, spending habits, jewellery and more, as well as a line that sees Lamar open up about his mental health: “I wake in the morning, another appointment / I hope the psychologist listenin’“.
The official audio for “United In Grief” was uploaded to YouTube on the 13th May 2022 via Lamar’s official YouTube channel. In only 6 days, the video had a total of 4 million views.
Read the lyrics to “United In Grief” here.
*All information accurate at the time of publishing.
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